Monday 21 December 2009

the 365 days challenge

So i love movies, i love good movies, i love bad movies, i love scary movies, i love kids movies. I pretty much love everything about movies (except Hostel 2...nobody loves that movie).
As an ex film studies student i've always been interested in movies, and in my personal blog i have often reviewed movies i've watched. A friend informed me how much they like my movie reviews and wanted to see more (aww shucks) so i've set myself the challenge to watch and review 365 movies, one every day for the next year.
I'll give you an insight not only into the movie itself, but maybe a little back story to what made me choose to watch it and what i thought of it.
I'll review the movies on the following...

A) What movie?
B) Where did i watch it?
C) Who did i watch it with?
D) Why did i choose this film?
E) How was it?

Let's see how i do !!!

(ps - If any of you have any suggestions for movies, old or new, i should be watching, let me know !)
